DATE: JULY 9, 2024

Ford, in California, campaigning for Robert Kennedy when Kennedy was assassinated, returned home
to Alabama, in 1972, to become the first Black mayor of historic Tuskegee. Ford stated, “ Black mayors
in America can play a key role in Biden’s re-election, because this election is a referendum on democracy
in the US. In 1983, when Jessie Jackson ran for President, I was the Founding President of the National
Conference of Black Mayors, and I invited him to our convention in New Orleans, and I told him to stop
talking about running for President, and run! In 2007, Candidate for President Barack Obama, came to
the National Conference of Black Mayors Convention, and individually, as Black mayors, we supported
him. In 2024 I am inviting President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, both, or either of them,
and officials from their administration, to join us at the Celebration of the 40 th Anniversary of The World
Conference of Mayors in Atlanta. Aug 23 or 24 th .

The last time the President came to Atlanta it was for a debate. This time we invite him to come meet
face to face with Black mayors of America, and other elected officials who represent the people. Black
mayors represent some of the largest cities in America, such as New York, Philadelphia, Los Angeles, as
well as some of the smallest towns, such as Tuskegee, Alabama. The future of our country, and the
world, is at stake, and as Black leaders, we cannot afford to sit back and turn this nation over to a person
like Donald Trump, who has no respect for US Constitution, and equally in America. President Biden
needs to make his first stop, once re-nominated at the Democratic Convention in Chicago, the
Celebration of the 40 th Anniversary of The World Conference of Mayors in Atlanta, Aug. 23 or 24 th .

President Biden needs to stop talking and run the race for President. He has several important things
going for him 1. A record that is in the best interest of America 2. The brain, and brilliance of Vice
President Kamala Harris, a Black woman who stands for the freedom of choice for women. Besides, it is
now time for the President to put Vice President Harris out front, because she is his strongest asset in
addition to his wife Jill 3. With $200,000,000.00 in the bank, and if he stops talking, and concentrates on
money the people of America will be happy to donate money to save our democracy. I am coming out
of retirement. I am not on the White House, or the Campaign payroll, so I can do what I can do, to help
re-elect Joe Biden President.”

Ford will have a press conference at 11:00 a.m. Wed. , July 10 th ,in front of Tuskegee Municipal
complex. He invites any other local elected officials to join.